Episode 22: Hip-Hop Forum (CSU Long Beach Alpha Week)

The Alphas of CSU Long Beach invited us to come and host a discussion about how hip-hop influences our culture today. We put the microphone in the middle of the room and recorded this dialogue as students from the campus shared their opinions about how they see view hip-hop today. Milan was on via Skype, and enjoyed scaring people that weren't aware he could see them and that his voice would be heard throughout the room. A few laughs and some really good dialogue on this one. Exactly what we want for this podcast. A big shout out to the Alphas for putting on this event and a huge thank you to everybody that attended and shared during the event. Remember to join the Facebook page and to subscribe, comment, and share with a friend!


Episode 23: Is Hip-Hop Better Off Than We Assume?


Episode 21: Rap Made Me Do It