Episode 97: How Do You Listen to Hip Hop?/CD Extinction

This is a two for one! As we gear up to celebrate our 100th episode soon, we're getting around to releasing some of the episodes that we never put out for one reason or another. This is one of those. Recorded back in February 2018, and based on an article from Very Smart Brothas, we decided to share how each of us listen to hip hop and what draws us in. Some people listen for the beat first. Some people, the lyrics. Some of us just need a vibe. How do you listen?

Then we transition to what will likely become the death of the CD. The "news" of Best Buy discontinuing the sale of CDs had just broke, so we talk about that and how we feel about the future of music consumption. They not gone yet, but how do you feel like we're gonna have to say farewell to CDs anytime soon? How does that impact how you purchase/listen to music?

Leave all your thoughts and opinions below in the comments as you enjoy this new, but old, episode! #PullUpAChair


Episode 98: Should Artists Ever Want to Sign with a Major Label?


Episode 96: Kobe Bryant Tribute