Episode 95: Should Hip Hop Be Broken Down Academically?

Shout out to Brian Bailey, who actually posed this question on our Facebook page a couple years ago. We recorded the episode soon after the question was posted (back in 2018!), but it ended up getting stuck in the vault with a number of other episodes. But, as we continue to work to get take the podcast to the next level this year, we decided to release one of the episodes from the past that were never released.

Based on a video posted by Vox that analyzed the "deconstructed the best rhymes of all time" in a very formulaic way, Brian asks if it is dangerous for hip hop to be broken down and analyzed so academically. We decided to respond to the question. Press play, enjoy the episode, and let us know your thoughts on the matter. #PullUpAChair


Episode 96: Kobe Bryant Tribute


Episode 94: 2019 Rap Up