Episode 89: Nipsey Hussle Tribute & Reflections

We hadn't come to the roundtable in a while, but we had to for Nipsey. We discuss our reactions to the news, Nipsey's legacy, and what we plan to do to honor his marathon and ensure it continues. This episode is just about getting the feelings and emotions out after such a big hit to our community. Nipsey's song both intro and take us out of the podcast.

Intro: "Road to Riches" - The Marathon Continues

Outro: "Blessings" - Crenshaw

Nothing but prayers, love, and peace to Nipsey and his entire family and loved ones. Glad we got to see him take his victory lap already and it's up to all of us to make sure the marathon continues.


Episode 90: Social Media Antics & Olympic Breakdancing?


Episode 88: 2018 Rap Up