Episode 59: Are We Ignoring the New Wave of Youthful Genius

No, we have not gone completely crazy. We're not arguing that this new form of hip hop is genius or that it is even great. However, it is important for us critics to take a step back and make sure that we are not turning into the same generation that thought hip hop was the worst thing to happen to Black and Brown people since the Klan. So, we discuss all the reasons this is not the same, but also the few things (however small they might be) that this new generation of "rappers" is actually offering. In the great words of Ice Cube, it's time to "check yo self" and make verify if your critiques of these new artists is just that or if you've become the old person that's simply out of touch. Press play, but don't forget to rate, subscribe, and most important, share your thoughts!


Episode 60: Empire & Hamilton Discussion


Episode 58: Will There Be a Time When Hip Hop Doesn't Exist?